Bathroom, Tiny Tour

Hello! It is a pleasure to see you back here again. Below you will find the videos for the third leg of The Tiny Tour from the Bathroom.

If you are new to this site and would like to learn more about The Tiny Tour, check out the WHAT IS THE TINY TOUR? post through visiting the “Earlier Posts” link at the bottom of this page.

If you would like to view the readings from the Living Room leg of the tour, simply scroll down. If you would like to watch the Kitchen leg readings, go through the “Earlier Posts” link at the bottom.

The first video is me, Dorothea Lasky. The second video features Stan Mir. The third video is Laura Solomon and the fourth is CAConrad. The final video is the Q & A.

Date and time of the reading: Sunday, 10/7/07, 2 p.m.

Readers: Dorothea Lasky, Stan Mir, Laura Solomon, and CAConrad

Camerawork: Kristin Searle

Introductions: Frank Sherlock


CAConrad’s childhood included selling cut flowers along the highway for his mother and helping her shoplift. He escaped to Philadelphia the first chance he got where he lives and writes today with the PhillySound poets. Soft Skull Press published his book Deviant Propulsion in 2006. The Frank Poems is forthcoming in 2008 from CHAX Press. Jack Kimball’s FAUX Press will be publishing a new series of poems (Soma)tic Midge in late 2007. You can reach him at
Dorothea Lasky was born in St. Louis in 1978. Her poems have appeared in Crowd, 6×6, Boston Review, Delmar, Phoebe, Filter, Knock, Drill, Lungfull!, and Carve, among others. She is the author of three chapbooks: The Hatmaker’s Wife (Braincase Press, 2006), Art (H_NGM_N Press, 2005), and Alphabets and Portraits (Anchorite Press, 2004). She is a graduate of the MFA program at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and also has been educated at Harvard University and Washington University. Currently, she lives in Philadelphia, where she edits the Katalanché Press chapbook series (along with poet, Michael Carr) and is pursuing her doctorate in education from the University of Pennsylvania.
Stan Mir was raised in Rochester, NY. Currently, he lives in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. His work has appeared, or is forthcoming, in Colorado Review, Damn the Caesars, Fence, and Verse.
Frank Sherlock is the author of Wounds in an Imaginary Nature Show (Night Flag Books), Spring Diet of Flowers at Night (Mooncalf Press), ISO (furniture press) and 13 (Ixnay Press). Forthcoming chapbook publications include Daybook of Perversities & Main Events (Cy Gist Press), Over Here (Katalanché Press) and a collaborative poem with Brett Evans, entitled Ready-to-Eat Individual. He is alive in Philadelphia.
Laura Solomon was born in 1976 and grew up in the deep South. She studied Political Science and Literature at the University of Georgia in Athens, and later Creative Writing at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Her first book Bivouac was published by Slope Editions in 2002. Other publications include a chapbook, Letters by which Sisters Will Know Brothers (Katalanché Press 2005), and Haiku des Pierres / Haiku of Stones by Jaques Poullaouec, a translation from the French with Sika Fakambi (Apogée Press, 2006). Her second book of poetry Blue and Red Things has just been released by Ugly Duckling Presse. Currently, she lives in Philadelphia where she works as a tutor and researcher for an adult literacy intervention program.

Comments on Bathroom, Tiny Tour

  1. Cardinal Snow wrote on 4:26 pm, 12 Nov 2007 permalink

    The bathroom is heavenly. I love what you’ve done with it.

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