Closet leg, Tiny Tour

Hello!  It is almost June.

Here is a June song.

Also, here is the closet leg of The Tiny Tour. The first video features me, Dorothea Lasky. The second video is Ish Klein. The third is Eric Baus. And the fourth video is the Q & A. Bios of the readers can be found below. For more information about The Tiny Tour, click here.

Date and time of the reading: Saturday, 12/8/07, 8 p.m.

Readers: Eric Baus, Ish Klein, and Dorothea Lasky

Camerawork: Laura Solomon

Introductions: CA Conrad


Eric Baus is the author of The To Sound (Wave Books, 2004) and Tuned Droves (Octopus Book, forthcoming 2008). He edits Minus House chapbooks and occasionally posts comments on poetry audio files on his site To The Sound. He is currently in the PhD program in Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Denver.
CAConrad is the author of Deviant Propulsion (Soft Skull, 2006), The Book of Frank (Chax, 2008), (Soma)tic Midge (FAUX, 2008) and a collaboration with poet Frank Sherlock titled The City Real & Imagined: Philadelphia Poems (Factory School, 2008). He can be found
I, Ish Klein, am a self-taught filmmaker, puppetmaker and writer. Poetry is my favorite thing to listen to. My friends and I do a youtube show called “the BOO! show”; there are now four episodes. You can find this on youtube under ishkleinfilms. This show videos the greatest writers in the world personally reading their poems. Also there is singing and other fun stuff. You might really like it. In the near future I hope to tour around with my book Union! and project videos.
Dorothea Lasky is the author of AWE (Wave Books, 2007). Recent work can be found in Tourmaline (Transmission Press, 2008). Currently, she lives in Philadelphia, where she studies creativity and education at the University of Pennsylvania.

  1. Touch Me I’m Sick « Ill Conceived, Poorly Executed wrote on 10:45 pm, 21 Nov 2010 permalink

    […] open the living room window, then kicked back in my recliner and watched Dorothea Lasky’s Tiny Tour (the Closet edition).  I recently met Dottie at the trnsfr issue 3 launch at Pete’s Candy […]

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