Hallway leg, Tiny Tour

Hello and welcome back! Here are the readings from the hallway leg of The Tiny Tour. Yes, they are fuzzy. And yes, that was all my fault. I should have brought a big light into the hallway while taping. Still, don’t you actually think there is a dark glowiness surrounding the readers that you sort of like? I hope the readers (all with names beginning with the letter J) will forgive me for any parts of the dark glowiness they do not like. I hope the letter J will forgive me, too. Especially if I promise never to do it wrong again, I think it will. I have never done it wrong before, you know. Only, up until now, have I ever treated the letter J with anything but the upmost level of respect.

The first video features me, Dorothea Lasky. The second video features Jason Zuzga. The third video features Julia Bloch. The fourth video features Jim Behrle. The last video is the Q & A session.

If you are new to this site and would like to learn more about The Tiny Tour, check out the WHAT IS THE TINY TOUR? post.

If you would like to see earlier legs of this tour, visit “The Tiny Tour” link on the sidebar and scroll through the “Earlier Posts.”

Date and time of the reading: Monday, 11/12/07, 6 p.m.

Readers: Dorothea Lasky, Jason Zuzga, Julia Bloch, Jim Behrle

Camerawork: Dorothea Lasky, Jim Behrle, Frank Sherlock

Introductions: Frank Sherlock


Jim Behrle lives in Brooklyn, NY. SHE’S MY BEST FRIEND was released in late 2006 by Pressed Wafer.
Julia Bloch’s poetry has appeared recently in the anthologies Bay Poetics (Faux Press) and Pocket Myths: The Odyssey, in The Philadelphia Inquirer, and in the journals Cue, Women’s Studies Quarterly, Double Room, and Sidebrow. Her chapbook Problem-Solving Outline was published by Bigfan Press; she has a new chapbook of sonnets forthcoming from Katalanché Press. She co-curates the Emergency reading series for new poetries at the Kelly Writers House. You can listen to her work here.
Dorothea Lasky’s
first book of poems, AWE, came out in the fall of 2007 from Wave Books. Recent poems can be found in Octopus, Forklift, Ohio, small town, and Satellite Telephone, among other places. Currently, she lives in Philadelphia, where she is pursuing her doctorate in education from the University of Pennsylvania.
Frank Sherlock is the author of Wounds in an Imaginary Nature Show (Night Flag Books), Spring Diet of Flowers at Night (Mooncalf Press), ISO (furniture press) and 13 (Ixnay Press). Forthcoming chapbook publications include Daybook of Perversities & Main Events (Cy Gist Press), Over Here (Katalanché Press) and a collaborative poem with Brett Evans, out this Spring from Lavendar Ink, entitled Ready-to-Eat Individual. He is alive in Philadelphia.
Jason Zuzga’s
poetry has appeared in VOLT, LIT, FENCE, SPORK, Cue, etc. He had a residency at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown 2001-2002 and was the James Merrill Poet-in-Residence 2005-2006. He is the nonfiction editor of FENCE. He is currently in the English PhD Program at the University of Pennsylvania and has an MFA in poetry and nonfiction from the University of Arizona in Tucson and a BA fro Brown, and he lived in New York for a good while, too. He can be reached at jasonzuzga@gmail.com.

CAKED cakes in the news!!

The Tiny Tour’s own CAKED cakes are in the news!  Yay Rozzie and Aoz!